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Pueblo deserves to have healthy citizens, stable jobs, and a thriving economy.

Right now, Xcel is proposing a plan to transition its Comanche 3 coal plant offline. The community needs to have a voice in this process to ensure the best outcome for Pueblo. Xcel needs to do right by Pueblo, by developing a plan that achieves the following:


A solution that lessens the air pollution from Comanche 3

The air pollution crisis is an immediate issue that is impacting the health of our community. Pueblo has higher than average rates of cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. Comanche is the largest single source of toxic air pollution in the state. The communities whose health is impacted by the air pollution are the lower income neighborhoods on the Eastside and the migrant workers in the nearby farms.

Xcel is currently proposing to burn coal at this plant until 2040 to keep it’s rates down for its customers in Denver and Boulder. Because of this plant, Pueblo is suffering from higher rates of air pollution and health issues. Pueblo gets the pollution, while Xcel customers in Denver and Boulder get the power. Pueblo shouldn’t continue to suffer to benefit the rest of the front range. 

A solution that benefits the existing workers and keeps them stable financially

Pueblo is a Union Town, and we are proud of the work that has been done to provide stable, union jobs. Comanche 3 has underperformed and under-delivered. Various mechanical issues have caused outages at the plant, making it unreliable. With health impacts resulting in work loss days, the loss in wages for hourly employees is hurting Pueblo’s workers. Our workers shouldn’t be a casualty of Xcel’s problems with Comanche 3. 

There cannot be a solution for transitioning Comanche 3 offline without a plan to ensure existing workers will get a fair deal. Whether that’s a reasonable job transition, a generous early retirement package, or another solution, we will only accept a deal that sets the existing workers up for long term financial stability. 

Xcel can afford to provide these practices and still decommission Comanche 3 early.

A solution that offsets any loss in tax revenue

Pueblo has invested over THIRTY million dollars into Comanche 3, and it continues to be a money pit for Xcel due to its unreliability. Pueblo supported this project with the promise of economic gain for the community, but Xcel has not come through on their end of the deal. 

Xcel needs to provide a solution that makes Pueblo whole financially. When Comanche 3 is decommissioned, we can and should expect Xcel to replace it with clean energy sources in our community. Pueblo doesn't deserve to suffer for Xcel’s investment in a dying industry.